Minggu, 15 Desember 2013

Develop Study of Chemistry in The Future By The Character Education

Chemistry is a discipline that is special, one of the areas is contains concepts that are abstract, but actually chemistry is closely related and very useful in our lives. on the other hand more students assume that study of chemistry is not applicable but just theory and theory. the cause of it, learning methods commonly used are not varied. Therefore, students sometimes feel tired, especially if confronted with materials which are more difficult and confusing. Self confidence especially in communication is as one of the attitude which should be applied students since now. The attitude is one of the qualities who not materialized of someone.
Character education has a higher meaning, because character education in learning about the patterns able to inculcate good things, so students become understand of which is good and wrong, which the appropriate and not appropriate, and can feel good values ​​and want to do it.
Science education, especially in chemistry, should be by all contents and characteristics can contribute to the knowledge and skills of science a more real to students so that they have sufficient supplies, so it can survive in the community. it is because science education is always close to nature into a reality which they live. so science education will influence students with that to more their place.
Character education is an issue that is hot topic for discussion commonly. It is closely related to the fact that decreasing morality of students demonstrated in a variety of fields. This situation is certainly very worrying because the students are essentially agents of change.
Character education is a system of cultivation of character values ​​to the school community, which includes knowledge, willingness to self, and action to implement these values​​, both of the supreme God, ourselves, others, the environment, or nationality to become human in both character education in schools, all components must be involved, including educational components themselves, that contents the curriculum, learning and assessment, the quality of relationships, handling or management subjects, the school management, the implementation of the activity, the existence of infrastructure, financing, and cooperation all people and the school environment.
By character education, students should be able to understand the concept and its role as a student, and after that the student should be able to have sufficient knowledge about matter and its changes. all the energy that accompanies it.The teacher's role here should be able to explain how the chemistry was obtained, through experiments in the laboratory so that teachers themselves can contribute knowledge.
Science knowledge is a processes and applications with  attitudes and values ​​in it then involves, Education usually greatest weight given to the cognitive aspects of reasoning. Included in the reasoning is logical, rational thinking, critical thinking, creative thinking, make decisions. In fact, some think that differentiate into basic and complex thinking. Logical thinking and rational thinking, including thinking basic, while critical thinking, creative thinking, make decisions including complex thinking. Adds that complex thinking occurs after thinking through basic. In relation with the formation of character, think which one is needed or developed?
Regular personality, be a positive influence on the entire student assignments, one of the things that is applied is the application of discipline in every lecture. Discipline here has a extensive meaning, or just not arrive on time, but also self-discipline in efforts development. The first way is the formation of disciplined behavior in lectures to matriculation. The application of learning methods that require students participation. Lectures are only carried by his lectures tend to make students passive. These conditions are less conducive, the assignment must be given to students. But, there must be feedback, meaning that the task should be discussed, so that students feel rewarded by hard work and results.

Speak the word has also become an important part in the formation of personality. in every lecture that followed must be inserted how to speak a good word to professors, friends or students themselves. the rules must be held to provide sanctions for students who speak words offensive. It is necessary to familiarize the student speak a good word. the role of discipline in learning, of learning that had professional competence and personal competence good indeed only small things from a very large system. However, the wise man say, start doing good from the smallest, most easily and start from yourself.

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